Sunday, March 20, 2011

That Guy: Always Injured Guy

I'm pretty sure everyone had that guy in high school - that guy who was always injuring himself, breaking bones, etc. due to his own shear stupidity.

This guy in my old high school, and even going back to middle school, broke a bone (or the same bone) every year we were in school together. He had a few football injuries, sure, but the kicker was in high school when he got his license and a nice Ford Mustang from his parents (from what I can remember).

Around January or so of that year, he ended up doing 50mph down an icy suburban side street and rolling the Mustang. Broke half the bones in his body, if memory serves. Pins and rods hold him together, I'm sure.

And that was Junior year of high school. I distinctly remember him being missing for a few days from school Senior year because of another injury.

And even a few years after graduation, I heard he had again injured himself doing something stupid.

Over the past day or so, Facebook has recommended me to add him as a friend. I'm not sure if I will, but I find it hilarious that in his profile picture he is standing Captain Morgan style on top of a motorbike. At least he has a helmet with him, if not on his head.

Good to know that some people over the course of many, many years, just don't change.

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