Friday, February 18, 2011

This one's a Long One. Overheard at the Offices of the Jeggings Blog

Rachel: Don't let me smell it, put it in my face!

Janelle: This is the "saucy" part of the song.
Scott: It's like, "we're getting a little buzzed now!"

Tommy: So, what Janelle is saying is that Scott is not even worth the time it takes to tape two pieces of paper around a toothpick and make a tiny insignificant sign.

Rach: [about her dog] He's old, gross, has no teeth, and eats poop.

Jeff: I don't mean to nerd out about this . . .
Rach: [imitating him] "I don't mean to nerd out about this but my name is Jeff so I will anyway."

Janelle: [after eating a dark chocolate caramel with it (somehow) all over her hands] I just need to go take a bath. It's all over me.

Scott: [gazing at his orange soda at Potbelly]: There needs to be more alcohol in this.
Janelle: Why is Scott suddenly making all of these drinking references?

Janelle: It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen . . . besides my own reflection.
Scott: [laughs hysterically]
Janelle: Don't laugh so hard, asshole.
Scott: Don't snort so loud, douchebag.

Janelle: Who needs a Steadicam when you have ME?!

Scott: Ew, I just realized I smell like Janelle thinks she smells.

(Janelle and Scott are filming out the side of a moving vehicle)
Janelle: Ah I just got you in the shot.
Scott: It's okay, that's the best thing you'll ever shoot with that camera.
Janelle: SO glad I got that on tape.

Rachel 2: [down on one knee] Rach, my sorority is having a formal on March 27th and I desperately need a companion. Though Scott was my gold medal, he has declined, so . . . will you be my silver medal?

Amy: I would crawl, but you are already on your knees

Jeff: It's been having this problem lately, let's just force mount it

Amy (in reference to a website): Rach, have you gotten it up yet?

Amy: I'm not ready for Robert Pattinson to give me herpes.

Rachel (to Amy and Tommy): I hope your lifes' goal isn't striving to be slightly better versions of Scott and Janelle.

Tommy (to Amy): So what you're saying is that the erect wooden pole being mounted on campus will slowly wilt over time?

Tommy: Facebook chat is made of lies and Communism!

Rach: Jeff just discovered Scott's tower. (thinking) That sounds kind of wrong doesn't it?

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