Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Really People?!?!

So while walking Luke (aka Cow; aka Horsey; aka Puppy; aka Shit Head; aka Lukas; aka my puppy) last night I could not help but notice the absorbent about of people in my neighborhood who are under the delusion that it is christmas already. Its not even Thanksgiving yet people! Therefore it is not ok to have your whole F-ing yard covered in Christmas decorations!

I understand that some people are more excited about holiday then others but does that really give them the right to skip over some holidays all together? Hell lets put out Valentines Day decorations too while we at it!

And that just the lights do not get me started on the Christmas music that is already polluting the air wave of every mall and shopping center. Really! Really! Im under the strong belief that Christmas music, lights, and greetings are only appropriate two weeks before the 25th of December and should be taken down before entering the New Year! Is that really too much to ask?

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