Rach: What line?
Scott: [seductively] My line.
Rach: Did she seriously have to chicken broth everything?
Janelle: [says something stupid]
Scott: Okay, Mom.
Janelle: WHAT?!
Scott: No, I'm reading an email. Not even a Freudian slip would make that happen.
Rach: You know, if they hooked up, their couple name could be "Chip Clip."
Rach: Oh my God, you are Scott Lehman-ing that keyboard!
Scott: Why doesn't anyone keep this updated? It's most definitely a 5.
Rach: You're most definitely a 5.
Scott: That is an extremely untrue statement.
Scott: [drops 3 $1 bills on Janelle]: MAKIN' IT RAINNNNNNN!
Nicole's ex boyfriend: I just really want a hug, as gay as that sounds.
Rach/Scott/Janelle: You wanna fight?!
Janelle: Who's on the phone? Tell me now.
Rach: Don't worry about it. It's Tommy's mom.
Tommy: Aww, how's she doing?
Rach: Oh, she's doing real well.
Janelle: You furious?
Tommy: The deal of the day is for laser hair removal.
Rach: I need that . . . on the lip . . . of my face.