Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Sorry, Wrong Pants #19 - First Comes the Cheese

Cheese Rushmore
I've been sitting here for awhile now, trying to think of what to write. Usually it's some kind of nonsense that has nothing to do with the accompanying podcast. But I'm fresh out of ideas, preoccupied with other things in my head...

I'm moving to New York City TOMORROW. I have a paid apprenticeship starting next week working for Vimeo. It's going to be an adventure, to say the least. To say the most, extremely stressful for the next couple of days.

I'm going to miss my friends here at Accidental Jeggings, all my friends here around Detroit, and the city of Detroit herself. I've been working with these people for some time now, and they've kept things interesting, in a good way, during the past couple of years. You guys rock.

Sorry to get a little sentimental here. We talk about cheese, work, and occasionally mention poop jokes.

Today's Panel
Janelle, Rachel, CharlesJeffScott, Tommy, and introducing James.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Overheard at Random Places

We're back.

(At Cedar Point)
Tommy: Scott, if you got an award, who would you thank?
Scott: My girlfriend.
Tommy: Well, I guess that's legitimate, because it's in a fictional setting.
Scott: I'm assuming the award is "Congrats on the Sex."

Tommy and/or Scott: Fun fact . . .

Tommy (later): So you never really answered my question about the awards.
Scott: Oh, who would I thank.
Janelle: Jesus Christ.
Scott: Yes, God. And my parents, for introducing me to God. And Jewish people for introducing me to Spaceballs.

(In Tommy's car)
Janelle: Is your finger really all the way up there?

(In the Man Magnet)
Janelle: Okay, Scott, you can copywrite my whore name.

(In the office)
Scott: I gotta dip into my "make it rain" fund.

Janelle: Did you give him the Scott Lehman Special?
Scott: "Things Golden Throat is not allowed to say."

Charles: The new kid is officially broken in.
Janelle: Grossssssss.


Rach: We learned about Chinese bars.
Janelle: And clubs in Shanghai.
Rach: Good idea.
Janelle: And squatter toilets.
Rach: Not a good idea.

Tommy: I've pooped in two countries this year.

Charles: Welp . . .

Janelle: Who's going to sexually harass me at work now?
Janelle: Don't answer that.


Scott: my shit button is shifty
Janelle: oh is it?

Tommy: I'm 5% packed for New York . . . with a 5% margin of error.