Friday, December 17, 2010

The Search is Over.

Sometime during my sophomore year of college (I am now a graduate, no big deal), my friend Katie and I were bumming around my dorm room on a random afternoon eating frozen burritos and tuna melts and watching TLC's "What Not To Wear", as per usual. I'm sure we were either talking about Harry Potter or staring at the numerous Harry Potter posters that adorned my living room walls.


We saw the most beautiful PSA [Public Service Announcement] in the entire world. Harry Potter vs. Underage Drinking. It was such a brief moment in time that we were unsure if we had actually seen it. But then we looked at each other and just KNEW. We KNEW we had seen it. It was a moment I will never forget.

Sadly, it was never to be seen by either of us again.

We told our friends. "OMG WE SAW THE BEST THING EVER, Harry Potter disarmed this kid that was gonna drink AHHH."

They accused us of making it up. Of dreaming it. Of being so deluded by our love of HP that we had somehow simultaneously fabricated it in our minds.

We searched YouTube for months, to no avail. We could not find it. This was sometime in the spring-ish of 2008.

Today, Katie posted on the Accidental Jeggings page about the Lost PSA. So, I decided to give it another go. Lo and behold . . .


I must confess, a squeal (or a similar weird noise that I am famous for) escaped my lips.

Love it. Live it. Own it.

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